Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cooking Time

This month we are learning about vegetables again. Last Friday we made hasbrown casserole using a recipe from one of our parents. For our first time making this, I think it turned out pretty good!

All you need are these ingredients:   

1 Bag of shredded hashbrowns                         1 or 2 cans of cream of celery soup                           8-16oz sour cream         1/2 to 1 stick of butter    8oz bag of shredded cheddar cheese               salt and pepper

Snow Day!!

We had a nice snow fall yesterday morning. Students watched out the window most of the morning as huge snowflakes fell from the sky. After lunch everyone was getting restless, wondering if we would get out of school early. Finally, the announcement was made. Yayy! We decided that we should celebrate by going outside in the snow for a few minutes. Both students and teachers dressed warmly. Hoods went up, gloves or socks went on hands to keep fingers warm. We only stayed out for no more than 5 minutes but everyone had a great time. Teachers even got hit with a snowball... or two... :)

Once we came back inside it was time to make snowcream! A teacher went outside and collected a bowl full of snow. We added sugar, vanilla, and milk. We ran out of white milk so we have to improvise and use chocolate. The students didnt mind.  Everyone it enjoyed some!